

Strasbourg, France

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Translate To: French (FR)


Words Translated


Terms Translated

MDOUE’s Selected Translation Work

Terms and text shown below represent MDOUE’s contributions to TermWiki.com, a free terminology website and knowledge resource for the translation community.

(object) array( 'id' => '10780419', 'url' => 'FR/work_study_₂', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'étude du travail', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'étude du travail', 1 => 'Business administration', 2 => 'Business management', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'étude du travail', 'source_id' => 5131718, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1244, 'nstext' => 'FR', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Business administration', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Business management', ), 'lastedit' => '20151019234608', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'MDOUE', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Un ensemble de techniques, y compris la mesure du travail, qui analysent une zone donnée de travail pour voir si la performance peut être rendue plus efficace et plus économique. Elle est basée sur l\'approche scientifique de gestion à l\'étude de l\'organisation.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1515505237974056960, 'nstext_full' => 'French (FR)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Definition' => 'A set of techniques, including work measurement, which analyse a given area of work to see whether performance can be made more efficient and economical. It is based on the scientific management approach to the study of the organization.', 'Industry' => 'Business administration', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Product Category' => 'Business management', 'Creation User' => 'scott.minn', 'Creation Date' => '2013/3/28', 'Term' => 'work study', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'work_study_₂', )

English (EN)work study

A set of techniques, including work measurement, which analyse a given area of work to see whether performance can be made more efficient and economical. It is based on the scientific management approach to the study of the organization.

French (FR)étude du travail

Un ensemble de techniques, y compris la mesure du travail, qui analysent une zone donnée de travail pour voir si la performance peut être rendue plus efficace et plus économique. Elle est basée sur l'approche scientifique de gestion à l'étude de ...

Business administration; Business management
(object) array( 'id' => '10779030', 'url' => 'FR/clay_aggerate', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'argile aggrégée', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'argile aggrégée', 1 => 'Garden', 2 => 'Gardening', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'argile aggrégée', 'source_id' => 85904, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1244, 'nstext' => 'FR', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Garden', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Gardening', ), 'lastedit' => '20151018170235', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'MDOUE', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Produit exclusivement fabriqué dans les fours à haute technologie d\'Allemagne et qui est utilisé en remplacement du sol pour la culture hydroponique. Elle était très populaire à la fin des années 70\' - 80\'. De nos jours elle fait son retour.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1515389222161219584, 'nstext_full' => 'French (FR)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'clay aggerate', 'Definition' => 'A product that is manufactured exclusively in high tech kilns in Germany and used as a soil replacement on hydroponics. It once was very popular in the late \'70\'s - \'80\'s. Now making a comeback.', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Industry' => 'Garden', 'Product Category' => 'Gardening', 'Domain' => 'Documentation', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Creation User' => 'Jessehe', 'Creation Date' => '2010/7/5', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'clay_aggerate', )

English (EN)clay aggerate

A product that is manufactured exclusively in high tech kilns in Germany and used as a soil replacement on hydroponics. It once was very popular in the late '70's - '80's. Now making a comeback.

French (FR)argile aggrégée

Produit exclusivement fabriqué dans les fours à haute technologie d'Allemagne et qui est utilisé en remplacement du sol pour la culture hydroponique. Elle était très populaire à la fin des années 70' - 80'. De nos jours elle fait son retour.

Garden; Gardening
(object) array( 'id' => '10772470', 'url' => 'FR/industry_coalition', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'coalition de l\'industrie', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'coalition de l\'industrie', 1 => 'Communication', 2 => 'Corporate communications', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'coalition de l\'industrie', 'source_id' => 1485822, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1244, 'nstext' => 'FR', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Communication', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Corporate communications', ), 'lastedit' => '20151013215102', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'MDOUE', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Un classement des organisations et des intérêts des entreprises représentant une voix collective auprès du gouvernement et des politiciens.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1514954421037957120, 'nstext_full' => 'French (FR)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'industry coalition', 'Definition' => 'A collation of corporate organizations and interests representing a corporate voice to government and politicians.', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Industry' => 'Communication', 'Product Category' => 'Corporate communications', 'Creation User' => 'dtnottingham', 'Creation Date' => '2011/7/21', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'industry_coalition', )

English (EN)industry coalition

A collation of corporate organizations and interests representing a corporate voice to government and politicians.

French (FR)coalition de l'industrie

Un classement des organisations et des intérêts des entreprises représentant une voix collective auprès du gouvernement et des politiciens.

Communication; Corporate communications
(object) array( 'id' => '10780393', 'url' => 'FR/auricular_hillocks', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'Auricule', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'Auricule', 1 => 'Anatomy', 2 => 'Developmental anatomy', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'Auricule', 'source_id' => 724624, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1244, 'nstext' => 'FR', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Anatomy', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Developmental anatomy', ), 'lastedit' => '20151019233003', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'MDOUE', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Partie visible de l\'oreille qui compose le pavillon auriculaire, on y trouve les parties embryonnagus, de la conque, du lobule etc.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1515504231523549184, 'nstext_full' => 'French (FR)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'auricular hillocks', 'Definition' => 'Embryonic tubercles adjoining the first branchial groove that gives rise to the auricle of the ear.', 'Domain' => 'Documentation', 'Industry' => 'Anatomy', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Product Category' => 'Developmental anatomy', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Creation User' => 'ParkLi', 'Creation Date' => '2011/2/10', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'auricular_hillocks', )

English (EN)auricular hillocks

Embryonic tubercles adjoining the first branchial groove that gives rise to the auricle of the ear.

French (FR)Auricule

Partie visible de l'oreille qui compose le pavillon auriculaire, on y trouve les parties embryonnagus, de la conque, du lobule etc.

Anatomy; Developmental anatomy
(object) array( 'id' => '10780420', 'url' => 'FR/chip_₁₇', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'puce', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'puce', 1 => 'Business administration', 2 => 'Business management', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'puce', 'source_id' => 5131719, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1244, 'nstext' => 'FR', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Business administration', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Business management', ), 'lastedit' => '20151019234611', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'MDOUE', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Un raccourci, forme familière de micropuce.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1515505237975105536, 'nstext_full' => 'French (FR)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Definition' => 'A shortened, colloquial form of microchip.', 'Industry' => 'Business administration', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Product Category' => 'Business management', 'Creation User' => 'scott.minn', 'Creation Date' => '2013/3/28', 'Term' => 'chip', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'chip_₁₇', )

English (EN)chip

A shortened, colloquial form of microchip.

French (FR)puce

Un raccourci, forme familière de micropuce.

Business administration; Business management
(object) array( 'id' => '10784825', 'url' => 'FR/part_I_offenses', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'infractions partie I', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'infractions partie I', 1 => 'Sociology', 2 => 'Criminology', 3 => 'Pearson Prentice Hall', 4 => '', ), 'term' => 'infractions partie I', 'source_id' => 788727, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1244, 'nstext' => 'FR', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Sociology', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Criminology', ), 'company' => array ( 0 => 'Pearson Prentice Hall', ), 'lastedit' => '20151021153003', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'MDOUE', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Ce groupe d\'infractions, également appelé "infractions graves" ou "infractions répertoriées" et pour lequel le FBI publie les chiffres des cas signalés, se compose des assassinats, viols, vols qualifiés, voies de fait graves, cambriolages, larcins, vols de voitures et incendies criminels.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1515655225717817344, 'nstext_full' => 'French (FR)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'part I offenses', 'Company' => 'Pearson Prentice Hall', 'Definition' => 'That group of offenses, also called "major offenses" or "index offenses," for which the ucr publishes counts of reported instances, and which consist of murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny, auto theft, and arson.', 'Domain' => 'Documentation', 'Industry' => 'Sociology', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Product Category' => 'Criminology', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Creation User' => 'M.Holmes', 'Creation Date' => '2011/2/23', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'part_I_offenses', )

English (EN)part I offenses

That group of offenses, also called "major offenses" or "index offenses," for which the ucr publishes counts of reported instances, and which consist of murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny, auto theft, and arson.

French (FR)infractions partie I

Ce groupe d'infractions, également appelé "infractions graves" ou "infractions répertoriées" et pour lequel le FBI publie les chiffres des cas signalés, se compose des assassinats, viols, vols qualifiés, voies de fait graves, cambriolages, larcins, vols de ...

Sociology; Criminology
(object) array( 'id' => '10780446', 'url' => 'FR/closed_shop_₄', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'boutique fermée', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'boutique fermée', 1 => 'Business administration', 2 => 'Business management', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'boutique fermée', 'source_id' => 5131728, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1244, 'nstext' => 'FR', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Business administration', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Business management', ), 'lastedit' => '20151019235815', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'MDOUE', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Une situation dans laquelle tous les membres d\'une organisation doivent appartenir au syndicat approprié. Après la législation adoptée dans les années 1980 cela n\'était plus formellement possible au Royaume-Uni.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1515505992417148929, 'nstext_full' => 'French (FR)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Definition' => 'A situation in which all the members of an organization must belong to the appropriate trade union. After legislation passed in the 1980s this is no longer formally possible in the United Kingdom.', 'Industry' => 'Business administration', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Product Category' => 'Business management', 'Creation User' => 'scott.minn', 'Creation Date' => '2013/3/28', 'Term' => 'closed shop', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'closed_shop_₄', )

English (EN)closed shop

A situation in which all the members of an organization must belong to the appropriate trade union. After legislation passed in the 1980s this is no longer formally possible in the United Kingdom.

French (FR)boutique fermée

Une situation dans laquelle tous les membres d'une organisation doivent appartenir au syndicat approprié. Après la législation adoptée dans les années 1980 cela n'était plus formellement possible au Royaume-Uni.

Business administration; Business management
(object) array( 'id' => '10779031', 'url' => 'FR/mahal', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'Mahal (temple)', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'Mahal (temple)', 1 => 'Garden', 2 => 'Gardening', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'Mahal (temple)', 'source_id' => 85905, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1244, 'nstext' => 'FR', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Garden', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Gardening', ), 'lastedit' => '20151018170240', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'MDOUE', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Mahal est un mot indien pour Temple, comme dans Taj Mahal (Taj signifie couronne)', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1515389222161219585, 'nstext_full' => 'French (FR)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'mahal', 'Definition' => 'Mahal is an Indian word for temple, as in Taj Mahal (Taj means crown)', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Industry' => 'Garden', 'Product Category' => 'Gardening', 'Domain' => 'Documentation', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Creation User' => 'Jessehe', 'Creation Date' => '2010/7/5', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'mahal', )

English (EN)mahal

Mahal is an Indian word for temple, as in Taj Mahal (Taj means crown)

French (FR)Mahal (temple)

Mahal est un mot indien pour Temple, comme dans Taj Mahal (Taj signifie couronne)

Garden; Gardening
(object) array( 'id' => '10780443', 'url' => 'FR/discontinuous_innovation_₁', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'l\'innovation discontinue', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'l\'innovation discontinue', 1 => 'Business administration', 2 => 'Business management', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'l\'innovation discontinue', 'source_id' => 5131725, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1244, 'nstext' => 'FR', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Business administration', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Business management', ), 'lastedit' => '20151019235802', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'MDOUE', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Une situation dans laquelle un nouveau produit est introduit sur le marché et dont l\'utilisation nécessite une nouvelle forme de comportement du consommateur, comportement qui est dit "discontinu" par rapport au comportement existant. Il s\'agit de la forme la plus rare de l\'innovation - généralement résultant de grandes découvertes technologiques - mais elle détient le plus grand impact social et psychologique. Les exemples incluent le téléphone, la voiture, la radio, la télévision, l\'ordinateur personnel et le four à micro-ondes.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1515505992415051776, 'nstext_full' => 'French (FR)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Definition' => 'A situation in which a new product is introduced to the market whose use requires some new form of behavior by the consumer, behavior that is ‘discontinuous’ from existing behavior. This is the rarest form of innovation – usually the result of great technological discoveries – but the one with the greatest social and psychological impact. Examples include the telephone, car, radio, television, personal computer and microwave oven.', 'Industry' => 'Business administration', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Product Category' => 'Business management', 'Creation User' => 'scott.minn', 'Creation Date' => '2013/3/28', 'Term' => 'discontinuous innovation', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'discontinuous_innovation_₁', )

English (EN)discontinuous innovation

A situation in which a new product is introduced to the market whose use requires some new form of behavior by the consumer, behavior that is ‘discontinuous’ from existing behavior. This is the rarest form of innovation – usually the result of great ...

French (FR)l'innovation discontinue

Une situation dans laquelle un nouveau produit est introduit sur le marché et dont l'utilisation nécessite une nouvelle forme de comportement du consommateur, comportement qui est dit "discontinu" par rapport au comportement existant. Il s'agit de la forme la ...

Business administration; Business management
(object) array( 'id' => '10780421', 'url' => 'FR/social_cohesion', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'la cohésion sociale', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'la cohésion sociale', 1 => 'Business administration', 2 => 'Business management', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'la cohésion sociale', 'source_id' => 5131720, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1244, 'nstext' => 'FR', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Business administration', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Business management', ), 'lastedit' => '20151019234615', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'MDOUE', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Un processus similaire à celui de la cohésion de groupe mais sur une échelle plus grande, étendue à une culture ou une société entière.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1515505237975105537, 'nstext_full' => 'French (FR)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Definition' => 'A similar process to that of group cohesiveness, though on a larger scale extending to an entire culture or society.', 'Industry' => 'Business administration', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Product Category' => 'Business management', 'Creation User' => 'scott.minn', 'Creation Date' => '2013/3/28', 'Term' => 'social cohesion', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'social_cohesion', )

English (EN)social cohesion

A similar process to that of group cohesiveness, though on a larger scale extending to an entire culture or society.

French (FR)la cohésion sociale

Un processus similaire à celui de la cohésion de groupe mais sur une échelle plus grande, étendue à une culture ou une société entière.

Business administration; Business management