AI Interpretation Services

AI Interpretation Services

At last, on-demand interpretation powered by AI is here. Using advanced artificial intelligence algorithms, Stepes (/’steps/) delivers real-time, precise language translations, allowing businesses and individuals to bridge language barriers with ease.

How It Works

How It Works

  1. Select Languages: Begin by selecting your source and target languages from our comprehensive list. This ensures that Stepes delivers the most accurate interpretation.
  2. Speak Clearly: Start speaking in your chosen source language. For the best results, ensure you speak clearly and maintain a moderate pace. Refrain from using jargon or idiomatic expressions unless you’re confident they’ll be understood in the target culture.
  3. Real-Time Translation: After you finish your sentence, Stepes’ AI interpreter, trained on comprehensive multilingual datasets, will immediately translate your statement.
  4. Automatic Playback: Following the translation, the system will automatically play back an audio recording of the translated sentence in the target language. This seamless process offers a conversational experience and instant comprehension of the content.

Try Stepes AI Interpretation

Experience real-time, AI-powered language interpretation by Stepes.

* Source Language:

Please specify a Source language.

* Target Language:

Please specify a Target language.

* Business Email:

Press and Speak

Also Available Over the Phone

Also Available Over the Phone

Not just confined to online platforms, Stepes AI interpretation services can also be accessed conveniently over the phone. Interested in a demonstration? Please reach out to our sales team to schedule a demo.