Stepes Into Big Translation
3.65 Billion Potential Mobile Translators
Did you know that half of the world population speaks two or more languages?
The fact that translation has largely been constrained to a handful of professional translators today speaks volumes about the need to tap into the world’s vast language talent. Mobile devices, big data and the Internet are changing the world by creating a sharing economy that thrives on the rapid exchange of content and information. Conspicuously missing is a solution that seamlessly bridges the gaps between languages. Stepes is rapidly filling this void by becoming the Uber of translation and more.
Stepes Makes Translation Bigger Than Ever
Uber, AirBNB and other companies in the “sharing economy” are creating new business models and organically generating new wealth and resources. Similarly, Stepes aims to make translation bigger than ever. With Stepes, everyone – doctors, lawyers, engineers, business managers, and even artists can all become translators in their spare time. This has huge implications for free and open global communication by opening up the translating world for anyone with knowledge of more than one language and a mobile phone. With Stepes, everything you need to translate for companies and organizations around the world is already on your phone.
Welcome to the Era of Big Translation
Despite the increasing ability to reach foreign customers, the lack of quality translation methods is still the most challenging aspect of global expansion. Currently, even using the most advanced software services are an expensive, complicated, and inaccurate process. The result is that too often, businesses sacrifice millions of dollars in profit because marketing to global consumers is too complex to be worthwhile.
Yes, Better Translation Quality
Stepes gives bilingual subject matter experts more opportunities to translate content. For example, bilingual doctors can translate medical subjects at a much higher level of accuracy than regular translators because of their technical expertise and familiarity with the field’s terminology. The same is true of any number of industries, where multilingual experts and working professionals have the potential to deliver high quality translations of very technical content. Stepes enables experts to take on translation for results that are better than ever.
Today, there are only 250,000 translators servicing a world with 7.3 billion people who speak a total of 6,500 languages. This staggering linguistic diversity means that the demand for translation far exceeds the present supply. Yet more than half of the world’s 7.3 billion people speak more than one language, an enormous source of potential translation talent that until now had gone untapped.
Stepes Unleashes Global Demand for Translations
Ask business managers if they need translations for their business today, and many of them will say “No.” This is not because businesses don’t want to be more international; it’s because translation is still an expensive and cumbersome process. In an increasingly connected world, this speaks volumes to the pent up demand for global translations. Like a volcano that has been suppressed for too long, this demand will soon have to erupt in some way.
The simple fact is we are all more comfortable doing business on our home turf where we understand the culture and speak the customers’ language. Moreover, traditional processes of translation and localization may be too complicated or expensive for businesses to make international expansion worthwhile. However, by staying on their home turf, businesses are sacrificing tremendous opportunities in overseas markets.
What if there is an effective translation solution that allows businesses to seamlessly communicate with customers in other countries when and where they need it? Stepes unlocks this tremendous potential by enabling half of the world population to participate in delivering quality human translations, on demand. By doing so, Stepes offers an affordable and accessible way for businesses to receive global translations. Now, with the barriers to entering overseas markets significantly lowered, you can finally take your business global.

What is Big Translation?
Big Translation is a term used to describe large scale involvement in translation by people speaking two or more languages. Over half of the world population speaks two or more languages so the potential for translation is significantly large. As the world economy continues to become ever more globalized, large scale, quality translation efforts by humans are sorely needed to bridge the communication gaps between languages. Translation services rendered over Internet connected mobile devices will make this transition happen much faster. Now, hundreds – even thousands – of people can simultaneously work on a single project. Big Data has transformed the way we process information. Now Big Translation will transform the way we communicate.
More on Big Translation
How “Big Translation” changes the way we think about globalization
Translation gets a bad rap these days.The irony is that we are more globally connected in all ways than ever – nearly 2 billion people will own smartphones by the end of this year and more than one in four households worldwide already have access to Wifi. Yet efforts to create seamless communication across languages and national borders has not kept up pace.
What is the difference between Crowdsourced Translation and Big Translation?
The translation industry is perhaps one of the first sectors to experiment with the collaborative model of crowdsourcing by farming out translation work to freelance translators located in different countries. Before the Internet came along, translation companies, also called language service providers (LSPs) in industry-speak, used to hire most of their translators in-house. Although the in-house model had many benefits such as...
The Democratization of Translation
As for many of the disruptive technologies to emerge over the last several decades, critics have jumped out of the woodwork to declare why new translation technologies will fall short of their targets.A recent example of such doubt comes from a piece posted on Numenware, in which the writer, Bob Myers, laments the development of new technologies that try to modernize the age old translation process...
Why Big Translation is the Future of Self-Publishing
The translation of literature has an undeniably important role in helping us understand the many cultures in the world around us. Imagine if the Bible had never been translated from its original languages into something that is now read so widely, and is still in the process of being translated into further languages. Some of our most cherished books, whether childhood favorites or a later discovery, were originally written in languages other than our own...

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