Translate Everything
Now it is easier than ever for on-the-go users to get quality human translations in an instant. Unlike other mobile translation apps that rely on word-for-word machine translation, Stepes One-on-One uses human translators so you can translate everything – text, files, pictures with text and audio – without worrying about mistakes. Try It Today and See the Difference.
Instant human translation service 24/7 anywhere
Above and beyond your word-for-word translation
Simple and honest pricing for everyone’s budget
Get Stepes One-on-One
Stepes (pronounced /ˈsteps/) is the world’s first chat-based mobile translation app powered by human translators. Download Stepes today.
You can also download the Stepes APK here.
Live Translation and Interpretation
With Stepes One-on-One, you can finally get live human translation and interpretation services all from your smartphone. Anytime, anywhere and it’s affordable.
One on One, live language support whenever and wherever you are.

Audio files translated instantly
Need translation ASAP?
Lost in another country? Stepes live translators can give you an address in any language immediately.
Download the Stepes app today and try it for yourself.
Reliable human translations all from your smartphone
Can’t read the menu? Send a picture and get it translated straightaway
Live quality human translation, instantly.

Your Personal Language Assistant
Stepes One-on-One is similar to having your own personal language assistant when and where you need it. Hiring a language expert for up to an hour is now as easy as calling an Uber ride. With One-on-One, you can send text, audio, or images to the dedicated language specialist to translate immediately and send back. Gone are the days when you had to worry about finagling an interpreter for business or international events. Now, all you need is your mobile to receive your translations almost instantly. Stepes provides live interpretation in over 100 languages, 24/7, around the world.
Stepes @ Work
With instant and just-in-time human translations, the possibilities are endless.
The suspension on my car is broken can you tell the mechanic to fix it in French.
Yes, play this audio to the mechanic.
My phone is broken do you know a place where I can fix this?
Near your current location there is a small shop where you can fix your screen for a small charge. Let me give you the details.
I’m on my way to a business meeting, can you translate this file ASAP.
No problem, here is the translated file.
I have a flat tire and need someone to come fix it at highway 6 off …….
Call 800-222-4357 to get in contact with The American Automobile Association they can help you fix it!
How It Works
All you need for One-on-One is the Stepes mobile app. It’s extremely easy to use: simply select One-on-One, select your language pair and then type, record or take a picture of what you want translated. Stepes will immediately search for a human translator/interpreter, who will complete the translation instantly. You can send messages for up to an hour and receive instant responses and translations; if you need a translator for a longer period of time, you can book in advance to ensure uninterrupted service.

Above and Beyond Translation Service
Stepes One-on-One is above and beyond your normal translation service. Instead of translating your message verbatim like Google Translate, you are finally able to get full language service help for all of your translation and interpretation needs. For example,

Human vs. Machine
Still using machine translation? You don’t know what you’re missing! Stepes human-powered live translation service offers much higher quality and reliability. Best yet, it’s fast, easy and affordable. Just download the Stepes app, and Stepes will instantly match you needs with best human translators from around the globe. When it comes to live interpretation, you deserve much more than word-for-word translation. Try Stepes today and feel the difference.