

United States

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Terms Translated

KarlaVargas’ Selected Translation Work

Terms and text shown below represent KarlaVargas’ contributions to TermWiki.com, a free terminology website and knowledge resource for the translation community.

(object) array( 'id' => '6770714', 'url' => 'ES/budding_₁₀', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'gemación', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'gemación', 1 => 'Medical', 2 => 'AIDS prevention & treatment', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'gemación', 'source_id' => 6770702, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1196, 'nstext' => 'ES', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Medical', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'AIDS prevention & treatment', ), 'lastedit' => '20131207015533', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'KarlaVargas', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'La etapa final del ciclo de vida del VIH, cuando un virus sale (o brota) de la célula anfitriona y, al hacerlo, roba parte de la envoltura externa de la célula y se libera para adherirse a otra célula anfitriona o para infectarla.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503627959614832643, 'nstext_full' => 'Spanish (ES)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Definition' => 'Step in which new HIV RNA and HIV proteins made by the host cell move to the surface of the host cell and assemble into an immature (noninfectious) HIV.', 'Industry' => 'Medical', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Product Category' => 'AIDS prevention & treatment', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Creation User' => 'KarlaVargas', 'Creation Date' => '2013/12/7', 'Source Lang' => '1180', 'Term' => 'budding', 'Company' => '', 'Synonym' => '', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'budding_₁₀', )

English (EN)budding

Step in which new HIV RNA and HIV proteins made by the host cell move to the surface of the host cell and assemble into an immature (noninfectious) HIV.

Spanish (ES)gemación

La etapa final del ciclo de vida del VIH, cuando un virus sale (o brota) de la célula anfitriona y, al hacerlo, roba parte de la envoltura externa de la célula y se libera para adherirse a otra célula anfitriona o para infectarla.

Medical; AIDS prevention & treatment
(object) array( 'id' => '6770719', 'url' => 'ES/clinical_trial_₁₅', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'ensayo clínico', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'ensayo clínico', 1 => 'Medical', 2 => 'AIDS prevention & treatment', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'ensayo clínico', 'source_id' => 6770708, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1196, 'nstext' => 'ES', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Medical', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'AIDS prevention & treatment', ), 'lastedit' => '20131207015542', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'KarlaVargas', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Estudio de investigación en el que participan personas voluntarias para responder a preguntas específicas sobre salud.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503627959615881217, 'nstext_full' => 'Spanish (ES)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Definition' => 'Research study that determines whether a new drug (or other intervention) is both safe and effective for humans.', 'Industry' => 'Medical', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Product Category' => 'AIDS prevention & treatment', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Creation User' => 'KarlaVargas', 'Creation Date' => '2013/12/7', 'Source Lang' => '1180', 'Term' => 'clinical trial', 'Company' => '', 'Synonym' => '', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'clinical_trial_₁₅', )

English (EN)clinical trial

Research study that determines whether a new drug (or other intervention) is both safe and effective for humans.

Spanish (ES)ensayo clínico

Estudio de investigación en el que participan personas voluntarias para responder a preguntas específicas sobre salud.

Medical; AIDS prevention & treatment
(object) array( 'id' => '6763289', 'url' => 'ES/cryptosporidium_₄', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'criptosporidio', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'criptosporidio', 1 => 'Medical', 2 => 'Viruses', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'criptosporidio', 'source_id' => 6763009, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1196, 'nstext' => 'ES', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Medical', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Viruses', ), 'lastedit' => '20131206012000', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'KarlaVargas', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'El protozoo causante de criptosporidiosis. Se encuentra en el intestino de los animales y puede trasmitirse al ser humano por contacto directo con un animal infectado o por beber agua o comer alimentos contaminados.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503627924162478080, 'nstext_full' => 'Spanish (ES)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'cryptosporidium', 'Definition' => 'The protozoan parasite that causes the diarrheal disease cryptosporidiosis. Cryptosporidium lives in the intestines of infected animals and humans and may be found in soil, food, water, or surfaces that have been contaminated with the feces from infected humans or animals.', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Source Lang' => '1180', 'Industry' => 'Medical', 'Product Category' => 'Viruses', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Creation User' => 'KarlaVargas', 'Creation Date' => '2013/12/6', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'cryptosporidium_₄', )

English (EN)cryptosporidium

The protozoan parasite that causes the diarrheal disease cryptosporidiosis. Cryptosporidium lives in the intestines of infected animals and humans and may be found in soil, food, water, or surfaces that have been contaminated with the feces from ...

Spanish (ES)criptosporidio

El protozoo causante de criptosporidiosis. Se encuentra en el intestino de los animales y puede trasmitirse al ser humano por contacto directo con un animal infectado o por beber agua o comer alimentos contaminados.

Medical; Viruses
(object) array( 'id' => '6764137', 'url' => 'ES/complementary_and_alternative_medicine_(CAM)_₂', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'medicina complementaria y alternativa', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'medicina complementaria y alternativa', 1 => 'Medical', 2 => 'Medicine', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'medicina complementaria y alternativa', 'source_id' => 6763636, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1196, 'nstext' => 'ES', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Medical', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Medicine', ), 'lastedit' => '20131206040809', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'KarlaVargas', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Conjunto de prácticas de atención de salud que no se consideran actualmente parte de la medicina convencional. Un tratamiento se considera complementario cuando se usa además de los tratamientos convencionales. Se considera alternativo cuando se usa en lugar del tratamiento convencional. Este tipo de medicina incluye un amplio rango de tratamientos, métodos y sistemas de sanación. Algunos ejemplos de medicina complementaria y alternativa son la acupuntura, las hierbas, la homeopatía, la quiropráctica, la hipnosis y la medicina china tradicional.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503627927588175873, 'nstext_full' => 'Spanish (ES)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Definition' => 'Health care practices and products that are not considered part of conventional (Western) medicine. Complementary medicine refers to use of nonstandard treatments together with conventional treatments.Alternative medicine refers to use of nonstandard treatments in place of conventional treatments. Examples of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) include use of herbal medicines, acupuncture, and massage therapy.', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Industry' => 'Medical', 'Product Category' => 'Medicine', 'Product' => '', 'Company' => '', 'Other Reference' => '', 'Pronunciation' => '', 'Creation User' => 'KarlaVargas', 'Creation Date' => '2013/12/6', 'Source Lang' => '1180', 'Term' => 'complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'complementary_and_alternative_medicine_(CAM)_₂', )

English (EN)complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)

Health care practices and products that are not considered part of conventional (Western) medicine. Complementary medicine refers to use of nonstandard treatments together with conventional treatments.Alternative medicine refers to use of nonstandard ...

Spanish (ES)medicina complementaria y alternativa

Conjunto de prácticas de atención de salud que no se consideran actualmente parte de la medicina convencional. Un tratamiento se considera complementario cuando se usa además de los tratamientos convencionales. Se considera alternativo cuando se usa en lugar ...

Medical; Medicine
(object) array( 'id' => '6770721', 'url' => 'ES/pruritus_₈', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'prurito', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'prurito', 1 => 'Medical', 2 => 'AIDS prevention & treatment', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'prurito', 'source_id' => 6770710, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1196, 'nstext' => 'ES', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Medical', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'AIDS prevention & treatment', ), 'lastedit' => '20131207015546', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'KarlaVargas', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Sensación de picazón intensa que lleva a la persona afectada a frotarse o rascarse la piel con urgencia en busca de alivio.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503627959615881219, 'nstext_full' => 'Spanish (ES)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Definition' => 'Intense itching sensation that produces the urge to rub or scratch the skin to obtain relief.', 'Industry' => 'Medical', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Product Category' => 'AIDS prevention & treatment', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Creation User' => 'KarlaVargas', 'Creation Date' => '2013/12/7', 'Source Lang' => '1180', 'Term' => 'pruritus', 'Company' => '', 'Synonym' => '', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'pruritus_₈', )

English (EN)pruritus

Intense itching sensation that produces the urge to rub or scratch the skin to obtain relief.

Spanish (ES)prurito

Sensación de picazón intensa que lleva a la persona afectada a frotarse o rascarse la piel con urgencia en busca de alivio.

Medical; AIDS prevention & treatment
(object) array( 'id' => '6770717', 'url' => 'ES/cachexia_₁₂', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'caquexia', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'caquexia', 1 => 'Medical', 2 => 'Illness', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'caquexia', 'source_id' => 6770705, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1196, 'nstext' => 'ES', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Medical', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Illness', ), 'lastedit' => '20131207015537', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'KarlaVargas', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Pérdida de peso, atrofia muscular progresiva, fatiga, debilidad e inapetencia en alguien que no trata de adelgazar.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503627959615881216, 'nstext_full' => 'Spanish (ES)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Definition' => 'Loss of body weight and muscle mass and significant loss of appetite in someone who is not actively trying to lose weight.', 'Industry' => 'Medical', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Product Category' => 'Illness', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Creation User' => 'KarlaVargas', 'Creation Date' => '2013/12/7', 'Source Lang' => '1180', 'Term' => 'cachexia', 'Company' => '', 'Synonym' => '', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'cachexia_₁₂', )

English (EN)cachexia

Loss of body weight and muscle mass and significant loss of appetite in someone who is not actively trying to lose weight.

Spanish (ES)caquexia

Pérdida de peso, atrofia muscular progresiva, fatiga, debilidad e inapetencia en alguien que no trata de adelgazar.

Medical; Illness
(object) array( 'id' => '6764228', 'url' => 'ES/AIDS_Service_Organization_(ASO)_₁', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'organización de servicio sobre el SIDA', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'organización de servicio sobre el SIDA', 1 => 'Medical', 2 => 'Viruses', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'organización de servicio sobre el SIDA', 'source_id' => 6763953, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1196, 'nstext' => 'ES', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Medical', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Viruses', ), 'lastedit' => '20131206042423', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'KarlaVargas', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Asociación de salud, organización de apoyo u otro servicio que participa activamente en la prevención y el tratamiento del VIH/SIDA.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503627927998169090, 'nstext_full' => 'Spanish (ES)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'AIDS Service Organization (ASO)', 'Definition' => 'A non-governmental organization that provides services related to the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS. These services may include family or individual counseling as well as HIV testing and referral resources.', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Source Lang' => '1180', 'Industry' => 'Medical', 'Product Category' => 'Viruses', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Synonym' => '', 'Creation User' => 'KarlaVargas', 'Creation Date' => '2013/12/6', 'Company' => '', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'AIDS_Service_Organization_(ASO)_₁', )

English (EN)AIDS Service Organization (ASO)

A non-governmental organization that provides services related to the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS. These services may include family or individual counseling as well as HIV testing and referral resources.

Spanish (ES)organización de servicio sobre el SIDA

Asociación de salud, organización de apoyo u otro servicio que participa activamente en la prevención y el tratamiento del VIH/SIDA.

Medical; Viruses
(object) array( 'id' => '6770720', 'url' => 'ES/clinical_endpoint_₁', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'criterio de valoración clínico', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'criterio de valoración clínico', 1 => 'Medical', 2 => 'AIDS prevention & treatment', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'criterio de valoración clínico', 'source_id' => 6770709, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1196, 'nstext' => 'ES', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Medical', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'AIDS prevention & treatment', ), 'lastedit' => '20131207015543', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'KarlaVargas', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Medición empleada en los ensayos clínicos para evaluar el efecto del tratamiento sometido a prueba.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503627959615881218, 'nstext_full' => 'Spanish (ES)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Definition' => 'Outcome or event used to objectively measure the effect of a drug or other intervention being studied.', 'Industry' => 'Medical', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Product Category' => 'AIDS prevention & treatment', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Creation User' => 'KarlaVargas', 'Creation Date' => '2013/12/7', 'Source Lang' => '1180', 'Term' => 'clinical endpoint', 'Company' => '', 'Synonym' => '', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'clinical_endpoint_₁', )

English (EN)clinical endpoint

Outcome or event used to objectively measure the effect of a drug or other intervention being studied.

Spanish (ES)criterio de valoración clínico

Medición empleada en los ensayos clínicos para evaluar el efecto del tratamiento sometido a prueba.

Medical; AIDS prevention & treatment
(object) array( 'id' => '6769025', 'url' => 'ES/criptosporidiosis', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'criptosporidiosis', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'criptosporidiosis', 1 => 'Medical', 2 => 'Viruses', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'criptosporidiosis', 'source_id' => 6769025, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1196, 'nstext' => 'ES', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Medical', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Viruses', ), 'lastedit' => '20131206195821', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'KarlaVargas', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Enfermedad diarreica causada por el protozoario Cryptosporidium. Entre los síntomas cabe citar cólico abdominal y diarrea grave crónica. Se considera una enfermedad característica del SIDA en las personas infectadas por el VIH.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503627949938573317, 'nstext_full' => 'Spanish (ES)', 's_attr' => '', )

Medical; Viruses
(object) array( 'id' => '6770715', 'url' => 'ES/desensitization_₇', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'desensibilización', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'desensibilización', 1 => 'Medical', 2 => 'AIDS prevention & treatment', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'desensibilización', 'source_id' => 6770703, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1196, 'nstext' => 'ES', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Medical', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'AIDS prevention & treatment', ), 'lastedit' => '20131207015535', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'KarlaVargas', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Aumento gradual de la dosis de un medicamento para evitar efectos secundarios graves.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503627959614832644, 'nstext_full' => 'Spanish (ES)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Definition' => 'Preventing or reducing a hypersensitivity reaction to a drug by gradually increasing the dose of the drug.', 'Industry' => 'Medical', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Product Category' => 'AIDS prevention & treatment', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Creation User' => 'KarlaVargas', 'Creation Date' => '2013/12/7', 'Source Lang' => '1180', 'Term' => 'desensitization', 'Company' => '', 'Synonym' => '', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'desensitization_₇', )

English (EN)desensitization

Preventing or reducing a hypersensitivity reaction to a drug by gradually increasing the dose of the drug.

Spanish (ES)desensibilización

Aumento gradual de la dosis de un medicamento para evitar efectos secundarios graves.

Medical; AIDS prevention & treatment