

Bogota, Colombia

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Translate To: Dutch (NL)


Words Translated


Terms Translated

Rolemodel’s Selected Translation Work

Terms and text shown below represent Rolemodel’s contributions to TermWiki.com, a free terminology website and knowledge resource for the translation community.

(object) array( 'id' => '1881542', 'url' => 'NL/ambient_heart_rate', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'hartslag in rust', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'hartslag in rust', 1 => 'Fitness', 2 => 'Workouts', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'hartslag in rust', 'source_id' => 244262, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1628, 'nstext' => 'NL', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Fitness', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Workouts', ), 'lastedit' => '20120118232503', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'Rolemodel', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Niet echt een technische term. De hartslag gedurende de dag tijdens het doen van dagelijkse activiteiten, maar niet tijdens sport.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503605781526740992, 'nstext_full' => 'Dutch (NL)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'ambient heart rate', 'Definition' => 'Not really a technical term. Your heart rate during the day when you are going about day-to-day activities but not exercising.', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Domain' => 'Documentation', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Industry' => 'Fitness', 'Product Category' => 'Workouts', 'Creation User' => 'BodyMax', 'Creation Date' => '2010/9/7', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'ambient_heart_rate', )

English (EN)ambient heart rate

Not really a technical term. Your heart rate during the day when you are going about day-to-day activities but not exercising.

Dutch (NL)hartslag in rust

Niet echt een technische term. De hartslag gedurende de dag tijdens het doen van dagelijkse activiteiten, maar niet tijdens sport.

Fitness; Workouts
(object) array( 'id' => '1881486', 'url' => 'NL/green_movement', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'groene beweging', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'groene beweging', 1 => 'Geography', 2 => 'Physical geography', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'groene beweging', 'source_id' => 365226, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1628, 'nstext' => 'NL', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Geography', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Physical geography', ), 'lastedit' => '20120118213011', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'Rolemodel', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Niet-gouvernementele organisaties, politieke partijen en in toenemende mate publieke opinie die voorstellen dat zorg voor het milieu ons gedrag meer moet beïnvloeden dan het historisch heeft gedaan.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503605781323317251, 'nstext_full' => 'Dutch (NL)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'green movement', 'Definition' => 'Non-governmental organizations, political parties and, increasingly, public opinion which propose that care for the environment should inform and mould our behaviour much more than it has historically.', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Domain' => 'Documentation', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Industry' => 'Geography', 'Product Category' => 'Physical geography', 'Creation User' => 'gorgeue', 'Creation Date' => '2010/10/14', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'green_movement', )

English (EN)green movement

Non-governmental organizations, political parties and, increasingly, public opinion which propose that care for the environment should inform and mould our behaviour much more than it has historically.

Dutch (NL)groene beweging

Niet-gouvernementele organisaties, politieke partijen en in toenemende mate publieke opinie die voorstellen dat zorg voor het milieu ons gedrag meer moet beïnvloeden dan het historisch heeft gedaan.

Geography; Physical geography
(object) array( 'id' => '1881456', 'url' => 'NL/recreation', 'image' => 'recreatie01.jpg', 'title' => 'recreatie', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'recreatie', 1 => 'Geography', 2 => 'Physical geography', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'recreatie', 'source_id' => 364734, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1628, 'nstext' => 'NL', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Geography', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Physical geography', ), 'lastedit' => '20120118215327', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'Rolemodel', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Alle activiteiten die mensen doen in hun vrije tijd. Sommige definities vereisen dat de activiteiten buitenshuis moeten worden gedaan en minder dan een dag moeten duren, omdat ze daarna toeristische activiteiten gaan heten.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 468, 'height' => 310, '_version_' => 1503605781319122947, 'nstext_full' => 'Dutch (NL)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'recreation', 'Definition' => 'Any activity people do during their leisure time. Some definitions require it to be activities away from home but that take up less than a day, after which they become tourist activities.', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Domain' => 'Documentation', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Industry' => 'Geography', 'Product Category' => 'Physical geography', 'Creation User' => 'gorgeue', 'Creation Date' => '2010/10/14', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'recreation', )

English (EN)recreation

Any activity people do during their leisure time. Some definitions require it to be activities away from home but that take up less than a day, after which they become tourist activities.

Dutch (NL)recreatie

Alle activiteiten die mensen doen in hun vrije tijd. Sommige definities vereisen dat de activiteiten buitenshuis moeten worden gedaan en minder dan een dag moeten duren, omdat ze daarna toeristische activiteiten gaan heten.

Geography; Physical geography
(object) array( 'id' => '1881461', 'url' => 'NL/federalism_₁', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'federalisme', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'federalisme', 1 => 'Geography', 2 => 'Physical geography', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'federalisme', 'source_id' => 364891, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1628, 'nstext' => 'NL', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Geography', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Physical geography', ), 'lastedit' => '20120118211503', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'Rolemodel', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'De combinatie van kleinere staten onder een grotere, nationale (federale) overheid om het vermogen en de efficiëntie van het bieden van sommige bestuurlijke functies b.v. militaire dienst te verbeteren. Beste bestaande voorbeelden zijn de VS en Australië.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503605781320171523, 'nstext_full' => 'Dutch (NL)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'federalism', 'Definition' => 'The combination of smaller states under a larger, national (federal) government to improve ability and efficiency in providing some administrative functions e.g. Military services. Best known examples are the usa and australia.', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Domain' => 'Documentation', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Industry' => 'Geography', 'Product Category' => 'Physical geography', 'Creation User' => 'gorgeue', 'Creation Date' => '2010/10/14', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'federalism_₁', )

English (EN)federalism

The combination of smaller states under a larger, national (federal) government to improve ability and efficiency in providing some administrative functions e.g. Military services. Best known examples are the usa and australia.

Dutch (NL)federalisme

De combinatie van kleinere staten onder een grotere, nationale (federale) overheid om het vermogen en de efficiëntie van het bieden van sommige bestuurlijke functies b.v. militaire dienst te verbeteren. Beste bestaande voorbeelden zijn de VS en Australië.

Geography; Physical geography
(object) array( 'id' => '1881449', 'url' => 'NL/parchment_paper_₂', 'image' => 'bakpapier.jpg', 'title' => 'bakpapier', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'bakpapier', 1 => 'Food (other)', 2 => 'Pizza', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'bakpapier', 'source_id' => 1510582, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1628, 'nstext' => 'NL', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Food (other)', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Pizza', ), 'lastedit' => '20120118214918', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'Rolemodel', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Papier met een laagje van siliconen en behandeld met zwavelzuur dat de oppervlakte glad, onbrandbaar en vetbestendig maakt. Je kunt pizza bakken op bakpapier om vastplakken te voorkomen, vooral als je geen schil hebt.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 1420, 'height' => 897, '_version_' => 1503605781140865028, 'nstext_full' => 'Dutch (NL)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'parchment paper', 'Definition' => 'Paper that is coated with silicone and treated with sulfuric acid, which makes the surface smooth, non-flammable and grease resistant. You can bake pizza on parchment paper to stop it sticking, especially if you do not have a peel.', 'Industry' => 'Food (other)', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Product Category' => 'Pizza', 'Creation User' => 'grove34', 'Creation Date' => '2011/8/11', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'parchment_paper_₂', )

English (EN)parchment paper

Paper that is coated with silicone and treated with sulfuric acid, which makes the surface smooth, non-flammable and grease resistant. You can bake pizza on parchment paper to stop it sticking, especially if you do not have a peel.

Dutch (NL)bakpapier

Papier met een laagje van siliconen en behandeld met zwavelzuur dat de oppervlakte glad, onbrandbaar en vetbestendig maakt. Je kunt pizza bakken op bakpapier om vastplakken te voorkomen, vooral als je geen schil hebt.

Food (other); Pizza
(object) array( 'id' => '1881541', 'url' => 'NL/overpronation_₁', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'overpronatie', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'overpronatie', 1 => 'Fitness', 2 => 'Workouts', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'overpronatie', 'source_id' => 244290, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1628, 'nstext' => 'NL', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Fitness', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Workouts', ), 'lastedit' => '20120118232022', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'Rolemodel', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Bovenmatig naar binnen kantelen van de voet tijdens het hardlopen dat tot blessures kan leiden. Leer hoe u hardloopschoenen moet kiezen.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503605781525692420, 'nstext_full' => 'Dutch (NL)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'overpronation', 'Definition' => 'Excessive inward foot motion during running that can lead to injury. Learn how to choose running shoes.', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Domain' => 'Documentation', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Industry' => 'Fitness', 'Product Category' => 'Workouts', 'Creation User' => 'BodyMax', 'Creation Date' => '2010/9/7', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'overpronation_₁', )

English (EN)overpronation

Excessive inward foot motion during running that can lead to injury. Learn how to choose running shoes.

Dutch (NL)overpronatie

Bovenmatig naar binnen kantelen van de voet tijdens het hardlopen dat tot blessures kan leiden. Leer hoe u hardloopschoenen moet kiezen.

Fitness; Workouts
(object) array( 'id' => '1881545', 'url' => 'NL/osteoporosis_₃', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'osteoporose', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'osteoporose', 1 => 'Fitness', 2 => 'Workouts', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'osteoporose', 'source_id' => 244289, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1628, 'nstext' => 'NL', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Fitness', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Workouts', ), 'lastedit' => '20120118233013', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'Rolemodel', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Een aandoening die vooral oudere vrouwen treft en die wordt gekenmerkt door de afname van de botmassa, een verminderde dichtheid en een vergroting van de bot ruimtes en die porositeit en breekbaarheid veroorzaakt.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503605781526740995, 'nstext_full' => 'Dutch (NL)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'osteoporosis', 'Definition' => 'A condition that affects especially older women and is characterized by decrease in bone mass with decreased density and enlargement of bone spaces producing porosity and fragility.', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Domain' => 'Documentation', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Industry' => 'Fitness', 'Product Category' => 'Workouts', 'Creation User' => 'BodyMax', 'Creation Date' => '2010/9/7', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'osteoporosis_₃', )

English (EN)osteoporosis

A condition that affects especially older women and is characterized by decrease in bone mass with decreased density and enlargement of bone spaces producing porosity and fragility.

Dutch (NL)osteoporose

Een aandoening die vooral oudere vrouwen treft en die wordt gekenmerkt door de afname van de botmassa, een verminderde dichtheid en een vergroting van de bot ruimtes en die porositeit en breekbaarheid veroorzaakt.

Fitness; Workouts
(object) array( 'id' => '1881474', 'url' => 'NL/push_factor', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'pushfactor', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'pushfactor', 1 => 'Geography', 2 => 'Physical geography', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'pushfactor', 'source_id' => 365073, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1628, 'nstext' => 'NL', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Geography', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Physical geography', ), 'lastedit' => '20120118212508', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'Rolemodel', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'A negatieve kwaliteit van een plaats die mensen bewegen er vandaan te migreren.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503605781322268673, 'nstext_full' => 'Dutch (NL)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'push factor', 'Definition' => 'A negative quality of a place which pushes people to migrate away from it.', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Domain' => 'Documentation', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Industry' => 'Geography', 'Product Category' => 'Physical geography', 'Creation User' => 'gorgeue', 'Creation Date' => '2010/10/14', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'push_factor', )

English (EN)push factor

A negative quality of a place which pushes people to migrate away from it.

Dutch (NL)pushfactor

A negatieve kwaliteit van een plaats die mensen bewegen er vandaan te migreren.

Geography; Physical geography
(object) array( 'id' => '1881459', 'url' => 'NL/locational_factor', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'vestigingsfactor', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'vestigingsfactor', 1 => 'Geography', 2 => 'Physical geography', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'vestigingsfactor', 'source_id' => 364750, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1628, 'nstext' => 'NL', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Geography', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Physical geography', ), 'lastedit' => '20120118211010', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'Rolemodel', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Alle factoren die een beslissing van een onderneming beïnvloeden om industrie op een bepaalde plaats te vestigen.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503605781320171521, 'nstext_full' => 'Dutch (NL)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'locational factor', 'Definition' => 'Any factor which has an influence in an entrepreneurial decision to locate industry in a particular place.', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Domain' => 'Documentation', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Industry' => 'Geography', 'Product Category' => 'Physical geography', 'Creation User' => 'gorgeue', 'Creation Date' => '2010/10/14', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'locational_factor', )

English (EN)locational factor

Any factor which has an influence in an entrepreneurial decision to locate industry in a particular place.

Dutch (NL)vestigingsfactor

Alle factoren die een beslissing van een onderneming beïnvloeden om industrie op een bepaalde plaats te vestigen.

Geography; Physical geography