

Sabadell, Spain

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Translate To: Catalan (CA)


Words Translated


Terms Translated

rosell.eva’s Selected Translation Work

Terms and text shown below represent rosell.eva’s contributions to TermWiki.com, a free terminology website and knowledge resource for the translation community.

(object) array( 'id' => '7132956', 'url' => 'CA/Incoherence', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'incoherència', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'incoherència', 1 => 'Miscellaneous', 2 => 'Nouns', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'incoherència', 'source_id' => 1501926, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1108, 'nstext' => 'CA', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Miscellaneous', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Nouns', ), 'lastedit' => '20140105132202', 'part_of_speech' => 'proper noun', 'creation_user' => 'rosell.eva', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Inhabilitat per expressar-se de manera clara i ordenada.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503629374475206657, 'nstext_full' => 'Catalan (CA)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'Incoherence', 'Definition' => 'The inability to express oneself in a clear and orderly manner.', 'Part of Speech' => 'proper noun', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Industry' => 'Miscellaneous', 'Product Category' => 'Nouns', 'Creation User' => 'mafabielex', 'Creation Date' => '2011/8/4', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'Incoherence', )

English (EN)Incoherence

The inability to express oneself in a clear and orderly manner.

Catalan (CA)incoherència

Inhabilitat per expressar-se de manera clara i ordenada.

Miscellaneous; Nouns
(object) array( 'id' => '7132957', 'url' => 'CA/serendipity_₂', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'serendipitat', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'serendipitat', 1 => 'Miscellaneous', 2 => 'Nouns', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'serendipitat', 'source_id' => 1789814, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1108, 'nstext' => 'CA', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Miscellaneous', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Nouns', ), 'lastedit' => '20140105132204', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'rosell.eva', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Descobriment casual quan hom no esparava trobar-ho.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503629374475206658, 'nstext_full' => 'Catalan (CA)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'serendipity', 'Definition' => 'Serendipity is when someone finds something that he wasn\'t expecting to find.', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Creation User' => 'Nicola Nobili', 'Creation Date' => '2011/11/21', 'Industry' => 'Miscellaneous', 'Product Category' => 'Nouns', 'Synonym' => '', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'serendipity_₂', )

English (EN)serendipity

Serendipity is when someone finds something that he wasn't expecting to find.

Catalan (CA)serendipitat

Descobriment casual quan hom no esparava trobar-ho.

Miscellaneous; Nouns
(object) array( 'id' => '7132859', 'url' => 'CA/enigmatic', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'enigmàtic -a', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'enigmàtic -a', 1 => 'Miscellaneous', 2 => 'Adjectives', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'enigmàtic -a', 'source_id' => 1838604, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1108, 'nstext' => 'CA', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Miscellaneous', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Adjectives', ), 'lastedit' => '20140105130102', 'part_of_speech' => 'adjective', 'creation_user' => 'rosell.eva', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Descriu una situació misteriosa, desconcertant o ambigua.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503629374107156481, 'nstext_full' => 'Catalan (CA)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'enigmatic', 'Definition' => 'Refers to a situation that is mysterious, puzzling, or ambiguous.', 'Industry' => 'Miscellaneous', 'Part of Speech' => 'adjective', 'Product Category' => 'Adjectives', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Synonym' => '', 'Creation User' => 'mafabielex', 'Creation Date' => '2011/12/22', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'enigmatic', )

English (EN)enigmatic

Refers to a situation that is mysterious, puzzling, or ambiguous.

Catalan (CA)enigmàtic -a

Descriu una situació misteriosa, desconcertant o ambigua.

Miscellaneous; Adjectives
(object) array( 'id' => '7132899', 'url' => 'CA/subtitle', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'subtítol', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'subtítol', 1 => 'Cinema', 2 => 'Film studies', 3 => 'Test_twgid1346491984595879', ), 'term' => 'subtítol', 'source_id' => 3719747, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1108, 'nstext' => 'CA', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Cinema', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Film studies', ), 'lastedit' => '20140105131004', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'rosell.eva', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Traducció escrita del diàleg d\'una pel·lícula en llengua estrangera que apareix a la part inferior de la pantalla.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => 'Test_twgid1346491984595879', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503629374119739394, 'nstext_full' => 'Catalan (CA)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'subtitle', 'Definition' => 'A printed translation of the dialogue of a foreign-language film shown at the bottom of the screen.', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Industry' => 'Cinema', 'Product Category' => 'Film studies', 'Creation User' => 'cristina varga', 'Creation Date' => '2012/9/1', 'Glossary' => 'Test_twgid1346491984595879', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'subtitle', )

English (EN)subtitle

A printed translation of the dialogue of a foreign-language film shown at the bottom of the screen.

Catalan (CA)subtítol

Traducció escrita del diàleg d'una pel·lícula en llengua estrangera que apareix a la part inferior de la pantalla.

Cinema; Film studies
(object) array( 'id' => '7132919', 'url' => 'CA/pseudonym_₂', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'pseudònim', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'pseudònim', 1 => 'Personal life', 2 => 'Names', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'pseudònim', 'source_id' => 1949087, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1108, 'nstext' => 'CA', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Personal life', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Names', ), 'lastedit' => '20140105131403', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'rosell.eva', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Nom fals emprat per una persona o grup amb una finalitat concreta.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503629374301143043, 'nstext_full' => 'Catalan (CA)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'pseudonym', 'Definition' => 'A name that a person or group assumes for a particular purpose, which differs from his or her original or true name.', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Industry' => 'Personal life', 'Creation User' => 'Almira', 'Creation Date' => '2012/2/28', 'Product Category' => 'Names', 'Company' => '', 'Synonym' => '', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'pseudonym_₂', )

English (EN)pseudonym

A name that a person or group assumes for a particular purpose, which differs from his or her original or true name.

Catalan (CA)pseudònim

Nom fals emprat per una persona o grup amb una finalitat concreta.

Personal life; Names
(object) array( 'id' => '7132890', 'url' => 'CA/snow_crab', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'cranc de les neus', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'cranc de les neus', 1 => 'Seafood', 2 => 'General seafood', 3 => 'Red Lobster', 4 => '', ), 'term' => 'cranc de les neus', 'source_id' => 455071, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1108, 'nstext' => 'CA', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Seafood', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'General seafood', ), 'company' => array ( 0 => 'Red Lobster', ), 'lastedit' => '20140105130803', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'rosell.eva', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Varietat del cranc procedent d\'aigües fredes com el Pacífic Nord i l\'Atlàntic Nord, d\'un sabor dolç i suculent i una carn dura.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503629374117642243, 'nstext_full' => 'Catalan (CA)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'snow crab', 'Company' => 'Red Lobster', 'Definition' => 'A variety of crab native to colder waters, such as the North Pacific and North Atlantic with a sweet, succulent flavor and firm meat.', 'Domain' => 'Documentation; Marketing', 'Industry' => 'Seafood', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Product Category' => 'General seafood', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Creation User' => '360s', 'Creation Date' => '2010/11/19', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'snow_crab', )

English (EN)snow crab

A variety of crab native to colder waters, such as the North Pacific and North Atlantic with a sweet, succulent flavor and firm meat.

Catalan (CA)cranc de les neus

Varietat del cranc procedent d'aigües fredes com el Pacífic Nord i l'Atlàntic Nord, d'un sabor dolç i suculent i una carn dura.

Seafood; General seafood
(object) array( 'id' => '7132929', 'url' => 'CA/anagram_₃', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'anagrama', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'anagrama', 1 => 'Literature', 2 => 'Literary terms', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'anagrama', 'source_id' => 1498075, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1108, 'nstext' => 'CA', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Literature', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Literary terms', ), 'lastedit' => '20140105131603', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'rosell.eva', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Transformació d’un mot o d’una frase mitjançant la transposició de les seves lletres.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503629374303240195, 'nstext_full' => 'Catalan (CA)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'anagram', 'Definition' => 'A word or phrase made by transposing the letters.', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Industry' => 'Literature', 'Product Category' => 'Literary terms', 'Creation User' => 'VivaLaBurns', 'Creation Date' => '2011/7/29', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'anagram_₃', )

English (EN)anagram

A word or phrase made by transposing the letters.

Catalan (CA)anagrama

Transformació d’un mot o d’una frase mitjançant la transposició de les seves lletres.

Literature; Literary terms