


Translate From: English (EN)

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tariekertodikromo’s Selected Translation Work

Terms and text shown below represent tariekertodikromo’s contributions to TermWiki.com, a free terminology website and knowledge resource for the translation community.

(object) array( 'id' => '1534113', 'url' => 'ID/acceptance_strategy', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'strategi penerimaan', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'strategi penerimaan', 1 => 'Communication', 2 => 'Corporate communications', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'strategi penerimaan', 'source_id' => 1426747, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1364, 'nstext' => 'ID', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Communication', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Corporate communications', ), 'lastedit' => '20110819185509', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'tariekertodikromo', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Ketika sebuah organisasi menerima tanggung jawab untuk krisis.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503604309787410434, 'nstext_full' => 'Indonesian (ID)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'acceptance strategy', 'Definition' => 'When an organization accepts responsibility for a crises.', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Industry' => 'Communication', 'Product Category' => 'Corporate communications', 'Creation User' => 'dtnottingham', 'Creation Date' => '2011/6/14', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'acceptance_strategy', )

English (EN)acceptance strategy

When an organization accepts responsibility for a crises.

Indonesian (ID)strategi penerimaan

Ketika sebuah organisasi menerima tanggung jawab untuk krisis.

Communication; Corporate communications
(object) array( 'id' => '1534110', 'url' => 'ID/consumer_advisory', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'penasehat konsumen', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'penasehat konsumen', 1 => 'Communication', 2 => 'Corporate communications', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'penasehat konsumen', 'source_id' => 1303266, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1364, 'nstext' => 'ID', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Communication', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Corporate communications', ), 'lastedit' => '20110819185505', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'tariekertodikromo', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Sebuah pernyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh badan pemerintah, badan publik, perusahaan industri atau bahkan individu, dimaksudkan untuk menginformasikan konsumen tentang keamanan atau tidaknya penggunaan produk atau jasa tertentu; tercipta setelah istilah "travel advisory".', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503604309786361859, 'nstext_full' => 'Indonesian (ID)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'consumer advisory', 'Definition' => 'A statement issued by a governmental agency, a public body, an industrial firm or even an individual, meant to inform consumers about the safety or advisability of use of a certain product or service; coined after the term “travel advisory”.', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Industry' => 'Communication', 'Product Category' => 'Corporate communications', 'Creation User' => 'wizard of words', 'Creation Date' => '2011/5/23', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'consumer_advisory', )

English (EN)consumer advisory

A statement issued by a governmental agency, a public body, an industrial firm or even an individual, meant to inform consumers about the safety or advisability of use of a certain product or service; coined after the term “travel advisory”.

Indonesian (ID)penasehat konsumen

Sebuah pernyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh badan pemerintah, badan publik, perusahaan industri atau bahkan individu, dimaksudkan untuk menginformasikan konsumen tentang keamanan atau tidaknya penggunaan produk atau jasa tertentu; tercipta setelah istilah ...

Communication; Corporate communications
(object) array( 'id' => '1534111', 'url' => 'ID/corporate_propaganda', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'propaganda perusahaan', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'propaganda perusahaan', 1 => 'Communication', 2 => 'Corporate communications', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'propaganda perusahaan', 'source_id' => 1426740, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1364, 'nstext' => 'ID', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Communication', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Corporate communications', ), 'lastedit' => '20110819185507', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'tariekertodikromo', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Klaim yang dibuat oleh sebuah perusahaan (s). Propaganda perusahaan bisa untuk tujuan yang berbeda: 1) untuk memanipulasi opini pasar untuk manfaat pemasaran produk dan penjualan, 2) membagi opini publik mengenai isu-isu kontroversial yang berkaitan dengan perusahaan atau urusan bisnis.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503604309787410432, 'nstext_full' => 'Indonesian (ID)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'corporate propaganda', 'Definition' => 'Claims that are made by a corporation(s). Corporate propoganda can be for different purposes: 1) to manipulate market opinion to benefit product marketing and sales, 2) to divide public opinion about any controversial issues related to the company or business dealings.', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Industry' => 'Communication', 'Product Category' => 'Corporate communications', 'Creation User' => 'dtnottingham', 'Creation Date' => '2011/6/14', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'corporate_propaganda', )

English (EN)corporate propaganda

Claims that are made by a corporation(s). Corporate propoganda can be for different purposes: 1) to manipulate market opinion to benefit product marketing and sales, 2) to divide public opinion about any controversial issues related to the company or business ...

Indonesian (ID)propaganda perusahaan

Klaim yang dibuat oleh sebuah perusahaan (s). Propaganda perusahaan bisa untuk tujuan yang berbeda: 1) untuk memanipulasi opini pasar untuk manfaat pemasaran produk dan penjualan, 2) membagi opini publik mengenai isu-isu kontroversial yang berkaitan dengan ...

Communication; Corporate communications
(object) array( 'id' => '1534125', 'url' => 'ID/bridging_₁₂', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'menjembatani', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'menjembatani', 1 => 'Communication', 2 => 'Corporate communications', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'menjembatani', 'source_id' => 1426868, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1364, 'nstext' => 'ID', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Communication', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Corporate communications', ), 'lastedit' => '20110819185522', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'tariekertodikromo', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Proses kegiatan beradaptasi sehingga organisasi dapat lebih sesuai atau menyesuaikan diri dengan harapan eksternal.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503604309789507587, 'nstext_full' => 'Indonesian (ID)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'bridging', 'Definition' => 'The process of adapting activities so organizations can better conform or adapt with external expectations.', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Industry' => 'Communication', 'Product Category' => 'Corporate communications', 'Creation User' => 'dtnottingham', 'Creation Date' => '2011/6/14', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'bridging_₁₂', )

English (EN)bridging

The process of adapting activities so organizations can better conform or adapt with external expectations.

Indonesian (ID)menjembatani

Proses kegiatan beradaptasi sehingga organisasi dapat lebih sesuai atau menyesuaikan diri dengan harapan eksternal.

Communication; Corporate communications
(object) array( 'id' => '1534132', 'url' => 'ID/centralization_₁', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'sentralisasi', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'sentralisasi', 1 => 'Communication', 2 => 'Corporate communications', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'sentralisasi', 'source_id' => 1437521, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1364, 'nstext' => 'ID', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Communication', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Corporate communications', ), 'lastedit' => '20110819185530', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'tariekertodikromo', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Satu orang atau departemen dalam suatu organisasi yang bertanggung jawab untuk semua tugas dan / atau kegiatan.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503604309790556163, 'nstext_full' => 'Indonesian (ID)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'centralization', 'Definition' => 'One person or department in an organization responsible for all tasks and/or activities.', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Industry' => 'Communication', 'Product Category' => 'Corporate communications', 'Creation User' => 'dtnottingham', 'Creation Date' => '2011/6/15', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'centralization_₁', )

English (EN)centralization

One person or department in an organization responsible for all tasks and/or activities.

Indonesian (ID)sentralisasi

Satu orang atau departemen dalam suatu organisasi yang bertanggung jawab untuk semua tugas dan / atau kegiatan.

Communication; Corporate communications
(object) array( 'id' => '1534131', 'url' => 'ID/benchmark_studies', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'studi acuan', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'studi acuan', 1 => 'Communication', 2 => 'Corporate communications', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'studi acuan', 'source_id' => 1437519, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1364, 'nstext' => 'ID', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Communication', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Corporate communications', ), 'lastedit' => '20110819185529', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'tariekertodikromo', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Studi yang membandingkan organisasi di sektor atau industri; digunakan untuk membuat perbandingan untuk perbaikan dan memungkinkan orang luar yang tertarik untuk mengevaluasi kinerja relatif dari organisasi.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503604309790556162, 'nstext_full' => 'Indonesian (ID)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'benchmark studies', 'Definition' => 'Studies that compare organizations in a sector or industry; used to create comparisons for improvement and allow anyone outside interested to evaluate the relative performance of organizations.', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Industry' => 'Communication', 'Product Category' => 'Corporate communications', 'Creation User' => 'dtnottingham', 'Creation Date' => '2011/6/15', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'benchmark_studies', )

English (EN)benchmark studies

Studies that compare organizations in a sector or industry; used to create comparisons for improvement and allow anyone outside interested to evaluate the relative performance of organizations.

Indonesian (ID)studi acuan

Studi yang membandingkan organisasi di sektor atau industri; digunakan untuk membuat perbandingan untuk perbaikan dan memungkinkan orang luar yang tertarik untuk mengevaluasi kinerja relatif dari organisasi.

Communication; Corporate communications
(object) array( 'id' => '1534119', 'url' => 'ID/anti-corporate_activism', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'aktivisme anti-korporasi', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'aktivisme anti-korporasi', 1 => 'Communication', 2 => 'Corporate communications', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'aktivisme anti-korporasi', 'source_id' => 1426865, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1364, 'nstext' => 'ID', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Communication', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Corporate communications', ), 'lastedit' => '20110819185516', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'tariekertodikromo', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Politik aktivisme yang target organisasi tertentu, industri atau isu-isu umum yang berkaitan dengan perusahaan dan / atau kapitalisme.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503604309788459011, 'nstext_full' => 'Indonesian (ID)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'anti-corporate activism', 'Definition' => 'Political activism that targets specific organizations, industries or general issues related to corporations and/or capitalism.', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Industry' => 'Communication', 'Product Category' => 'Corporate communications', 'Creation User' => 'dtnottingham', 'Creation Date' => '2011/6/14', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'anti-corporate_activism', )

English (EN)anti-corporate activism

Political activism that targets specific organizations, industries or general issues related to corporations and/or capitalism.

Indonesian (ID)aktivisme anti-korporasi

Politik aktivisme yang target organisasi tertentu, industri atau isu-isu umum yang berkaitan dengan perusahaan dan / atau kapitalisme.

Communication; Corporate communications
(object) array( 'id' => '1534118', 'url' => 'ID/additive_change', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'perubahan aditif', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'perubahan aditif', 1 => 'Communication', 2 => 'Corporate communications', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'perubahan aditif', 'source_id' => 1426849, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1364, 'nstext' => 'ID', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Communication', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Corporate communications', ), 'lastedit' => '20110819185514', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'tariekertodikromo', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Perubahan yang dianggap penting dan tambahan yang ada perusahaan, rutinitas strategi dan prosedur.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503604309788459010, 'nstext_full' => 'Indonesian (ID)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'additive change', 'Definition' => 'A change that is considered crucial and incremental to a company\'s existing strategies, routines and procedures.', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Industry' => 'Communication', 'Product Category' => 'Corporate communications', 'Creation User' => 'dtnottingham', 'Creation Date' => '2011/6/14', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'additive_change', )

English (EN)additive change

A change that is considered crucial and incremental to a company's existing strategies, routines and procedures.

Indonesian (ID)perubahan aditif

Perubahan yang dianggap penting dan tambahan yang ada perusahaan, rutinitas strategi dan prosedur.

Communication; Corporate communications
(object) array( 'id' => '1534133', 'url' => 'ID/change_communication', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'komunikasi perubahan', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'komunikasi perubahan', 1 => 'Communication', 2 => 'Corporate communications', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'komunikasi perubahan', 'source_id' => 1437522, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1364, 'nstext' => 'ID', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Communication', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Corporate communications', ), 'lastedit' => '20110819185531', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'tariekertodikromo', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Strategi komunikasi dalam mendukung perumusan dan implementasi dari suatu perubahan dalam suatu organisasi (misalnya restrukturisasi)', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503604309790556164, 'nstext_full' => 'Indonesian (ID)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'change communication', 'Definition' => 'Communication strategies in support of the formulation and implementation of a change within an organization (e.g. restructuring)', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Industry' => 'Communication', 'Product Category' => 'Corporate communications', 'Creation User' => 'dtnottingham', 'Creation Date' => '2011/6/15', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'change_communication', )

English (EN)change communication

Communication strategies in support of the formulation and implementation of a change within an organization (e.g. restructuring)

Indonesian (ID)komunikasi perubahan

Strategi komunikasi dalam mendukung perumusan dan implementasi dari suatu perubahan dalam suatu organisasi (misalnya restrukturisasi)

Communication; Corporate communications
(object) array( 'id' => '1534116', 'url' => 'ID/account_management', 'image' => '', 'title' => 'manajemen akun', 'tags' => array ( 0 => 'manajemen akun', 1 => 'Communication', 2 => 'Corporate communications', 3 => '', ), 'term' => 'manajemen akun', 'source_id' => 1426751, 'type' => 'term', 'namespace' => 1364, 'nstext' => 'ID', 'industry' => array ( 0 => 'Communication', ), 'category' => array ( 0 => 'Corporate communications', ), 'lastedit' => '20110819185512', 'part_of_speech' => 'noun', 'creation_user' => 'tariekertodikromo', 'special_term' => '', 'definition' => 'Proses pengelolaan kebutuhan klien atau perusahaan, biasanya diambil oleh seorang ahli komunikasi / perwakilan, agen pemasaran atau pemasok.', 'usage_comment' => '', 'glossary' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, '_version_' => 1503604309788459008, 'nstext_full' => 'Indonesian (ID)', 's_attr' => (object) array( 'Term' => 'account management', 'Definition' => 'The process of managing the needs of a client or company, usually taken on by a communications expert/representative, marketing agency or supplier.', 'Part of Speech' => 'noun', 'Usage Status' => 'New', 'Industry' => 'Communication', 'Product Category' => 'Corporate communications', 'Creation User' => 'dtnottingham', 'Creation Date' => '2011/6/14', 'Source Lang' => '1180', ), 's_namespace_text' => 'EN', 's_namespace_text_full' => 'English (EN)', 's_title' => 'account_management', )

English (EN)account management

The process of managing the needs of a client or company, usually taken on by a communications expert/representative, marketing agency or supplier.

Indonesian (ID)manajemen akun

Proses pengelolaan kebutuhan klien atau perusahaan, biasanya diambil oleh seorang ahli komunikasi / perwakilan, agen pemasaran atau pemasok.

Communication; Corporate communications