Quality and Accuracy FAQs

How does Stepes ensure the linguistic accuracy of translations?

Answer: Stepes is committed to delivering translations with the highest linguistic accuracy.

  • Our process involves using native speakers of the target language who are also fluent in the source language. This ensures a deep understanding of linguistic nuances.
  • Translators are chosen based on their expertise in the specific subject matter of the project, guaranteeing accurate terminology usage.
  • Stepes also utilizes advanced language tools and technologies to assist translators in maintaining accuracy and consistency across projects.

What quality control measures does Stepes have in place for translations?

Answer: Quality control is a critical aspect of Stepes’ translation services.

  • Beyond initial translation, each project undergoes a multi-tier review process, including editing and proofreading by separate linguists.
  • We implement quality control checks at various stages of the translation process to identify and correct any errors or inconsistencies.
  • Regular training and evaluation of our translators help maintain high-quality standards consistently.

How are translation errors handled at Stepes?

Answer: In the unlikely event of a translation error, Stepes has a robust system to address and rectify it.

  • Clients are encouraged to report any errors they notice as soon as possible.
  • Our team promptly reviews the reported issues and provides revised translations quickly, ensuring minimal impact on the client’s schedule.
  • We also analyze errors to improve our processes and prevent similar issues in the future.

Does Stepes provide certifications for translated documents?

Answer: Stepes understands the importance of certified translations for official use.

  • We offer certified translation services where documents are accompanied by a certificate of accuracy, which is often required for legal or official documents.
  • Our certified translations are carried out by qualified translators and include an official statement attesting to the accuracy of the translation.

How does Stepes ensure the linguistic accuracy of translations?

Answer: Stepes is dedicated to delivering translations with the highest linguistic accuracy. We are able to consistently meet and exceed our clients’ quality expectations through a combination of certified processes, qualified human resources, specialized expertise, advanced technologies, and rigorous quality assurance measures.

  • ISO Certifications: Stepes is certified under ISO 9001 and ISO 17100, which are crucial for establishing a quality management framework and translation-specific processes. ISO 9001 focuses on overall quality management, ensuring consistent meeting of customer and regulatory requirements. ISO 17100 sets standards for translation services, covering translator qualifications, technical resources, and service quality.
  • Native Translators: Stepes employs professional native translators for the target language who are also fluent in the source language. This approach ensures not just linguistic accuracy but also cultural relevance, capturing nuances, idioms, and cultural references effectively.
  • Subject Matter Expertise: The translators at Stepes are selected based on their expertise in specific subject areas, which is vital for accurate terminology usage and content appropriateness in fields like legal, medical, or technical translations.
  • Advanced Language Tools and Technologies: Stepes utilizes cutting-edge language technologies and tools, such as Translation Memory systems and Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) tools. These assist in maintaining accuracy and consistency across translation projects.
  • Quality Assurance Processes: The company implements rigorous quality assurance processes, including editing and proofreading by separate linguists. This ensures that translations are not only accurate but also naturally readable in the target language. Regular quality checks and audits maintain high standards.
  • Continuous Improvement and Feedback Loops: Stepes engages in continuous improvement processes, updating tools, training translators, and incorporating client feedback to enhance translation quality.
  • Ethical and Professional Standards: Adherence to professional codes of conduct, like confidentiality and impartiality, ensures trust and reliability in the services provided by Stepes.

What quality control measures does Stepes have in place for translations?

Answer: Maintaining top-notch quality control is a cornerstone of Stepes’ translation services.

  • Every translation undergoes a comprehensive review process, including editing and proofreading by linguists other than the original translator.
  • We conduct quality checks at various stages of the translation process to identify and correct errors or inconsistencies.
  • Ongoing training and evaluation of our translators help uphold our high-quality standards.

How are translation errors handled at Stepes?

Answer: Stepes has a well-defined system for addressing and rectifying translation errors swiftly and efficiently.

  • We encourage clients to report any errors they identify promptly.
  • Our team conducts a swift review of the reported issues and provides corrected translations quickly.
  • Error analysis is part of our quality improvement process, helping to prevent similar issues in future projects.

Does Stepes provide certifications for translated documents?

Answer: Understanding the necessity of certified translations for certain official purposes, Stepes offers this service.

  • We provide certified translation services where documents are accompanied by a certificate of accuracy, vital for legal or official documents.
  • These translations are performed by qualified translators and include an official statement certifying the translation’s accuracy.